SamsungSocial Media Messaging

Countless tweets and LinkedIn posts showcasing the value of Samsung Display products to other businesses and institutions.

Samsung Display is the world's largest display company. You've likely seen a Samsung Display at a sports stadium, fast-food drive-through, hospital or retail store.

A Samsung Display landing page we used frequently

Samsung Displays can be found in everything form McDonald's to government agencies.

As a writer, my job was to help people realize the promise and value of Samsung Displays through social media. The challenge was that Samsung had no regular posting schedule, the community was unengaged, and their content strategy was outdated.

Working with a full content team including creative directors, strategists, designers, and other creatives, we created a content strategy that involved posting 300 tweets each month across 12 verticals. I also wrote LinkedIn posts for three high-level Samsung executives.

One half of the verticals we had to cover

Example post for Samsung in Government's LinkedIn

The results were surprising. Within one year, we saw 135,600 total impressions, 14,800 page visits, 1,500 blog visits, 94,200 email deliveries, and 25,000 social impressions. Talk about making a bold statement.

The Wall is one of Samsung's flagship products, and featured in our most popular posts.