VanguardLanding Page

An approachable but beautiful landing page for Institutional Investors researching Vanguard’s investment products

Content Writer
December 2021

When it comes to investment products, you would be hard pressed to find a more recommended brand than Vanguard. Its genius is in its originality: Vanguard is owned by its investors, not by public shareholders.

Vanguard's website

Vanguard approached us with the goal of attracting more institutional investors (i.e. banks, credit unions, companies, charities) to sign up for their plans. The problem was that their existing page was too complicated, too confusing, and overall too chaotic.

So we set out to research as much we could about Vanguard's institutional investors and create a landing page that made sense to them.

The top-of-the-fold for the institutional investors landing page

The first order of business: countless interviews with Vanguard's financial advisors and the institutional investors themselves. We asked them what worked, what didn't work, and ultimately what they were looking for in a plan for their participants.

Simple language and short bullets helped make the page approachable

The message came to us slowly but surely: participants and their leaders wanted clarity and simplicity. We updated the voice and tone of the landing page, used confident and reassuring imagery, and distilled the key message: financial well-being is for everyone.

Our message was all about making investors feel empowered

Vanguard's stakeholders were overjoyed with our new messaging and over the coming weeks we rolled out the new landing page. Participants responded with glowing reviews, and Vanguard saw an uptick in inquiries and even signups.