Republic ServicesRecycling Infographics

Resources and downloadable content such as infographics and guides for Republic Services' Resource Center

Infographics, the website we helped develop to change the perception of the brand

You may have seen the Republic Services logo and not even realized it: at a university, office complex, or apartment building. They are a reputed leader in waste collection. For Republic Services, I had the opportunity to help create informational resources that would educate people on recycling.

Infographic for Republic Services

I wrote copy for infographics, informational brochures, posters, and case studies. Each one required working closely with a designer to achieve the utmost simplicity without sacrificing any key information.

Tips and Tricks Brochure for Republic Services

As a result of the content push, companies have begun perceiving Republic Services not only as a waste collection company but also as a sustainability company. Just this year, they managed 8 million tons of recyclable items and and announced an expansion into Charlotte, North Carolina.